Writing by the pool

We use our blog to give details on our company, values, approach to life, and dreams. Dive in!

Managing Through Expeditions

by JC Velten - 10 months ago

In this article we explain how we run Swim, and how we have been intentional at creating the structure that enables us to be nimble. Every initiative here is an 'Expedition,' staffed with the team that can make it most valuable for our users.

Navigating life together. Accelerated.

by JC Velten - 10 months ago

This is the story of how we accelerated the launch of Swim, after only 8 weeks of coming up with the idea of evolving the way we engage with our friends and with the places we love so, that we can have more genuine connections.

A connected, organized, neat, useful and meaningful way to navigate life with your friends.

by JC Velten - 11 months ago

There is no place like place. A social local network realizes that people live and play in places, and focuses on helping people make that experience richer.

"Yes but..." The challenges that help us stay fit.

by JC Velten - 11 months ago

Smart people challenge us to think different about certain areas of our product/business model, or to explain what is not obvious. This article addresses these challenges head on.

Swim: An organization with intent and purpose.

by JC Velten - 11 months ago

We intend to use this blog to share our reflections with you as we run with our dreams and take Swim from concept in January 2020 to reality in May 2020.

Building bridges between students and startups

Building Bridges Between Students & Swim. 42X Thank You!

by JC Velten - 1 year ago

The first weekend of August we organized a Hackathon with 42 Silicon Valley. These are the winners and what they did for us in 2.5 days. We couldn't be more grateful! Thank you 42!

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