Swim connects you to places and people. Build community by checking, joining or creating Pools at places you love.

How it works.

DISCOVER what’s going on around you in the real world, and engage with others at your own pace.

Around me screen Around me screen with bubble detail

CREATE your own private Pools to hang out with your friends, chat, share media, or plan your weekend all neatly grouped in conversation sections.

Pool screen

SHARE pictures, videos, comments with friends, like-minded people and places around you in real time.

Chat screen

Swim was designed by NYU and Columbia students as an app to to connect with life around them in New York, where we tested our alpha version. Swim is organized around chat groups we call Pools, which are made up of organized content and conversations tied to the places & people that brighten your life. Pools can be public (for all to see and join), By Invite (visible to all but accessible only by invitation), or Private (only visible and accessible to you and the friends you invite to them).

Our app’s name “Swim” was conceived by Mae Mae Dylan, NYU Class of 2023.

“Swim make it easy to discover what's going on in the places I love, and engage at my own pace and in my own terms.”

Jose Cervera, NYU Class of 2022

Latest Press:
Review Forbes article

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